Barbara L. Schultz
Leadership Coach
Change Leadership Strategist
Transformation Guide
Conversations for Igniting Potential
Free your capacity for creative breakthrough through openness, clear unbiased observation and natural insight
Unite perception, potential and pragmatism at work
Apply full-spectrum awareness to authentic leadership
Transform inner and interpersonal conflicts into positive choices
Discover the exquisite power of clear presence and positive inquiry
Create inner spaciousness, grace and flow
Discover the intelligent nature of transparency and vulnerability
Meet the Challenge of Leading Change
Lead any organizational change process, from technical improvements to cultural transformations, as an inspiration and catalyst for its success
Create sustainable organizational, team and individual change through conscious attention to the dynamic, human elements within planning, implementing and adapting to essential, yet relentless, organizational change
Incorporate empathy, equanimity, wisdom and compassion into strategic organizational change
Master your inner capacity to delight in being adaptable while you navigate the acceleration of both change and complexity
Align conscious intention and choice with vision and outcome
Harness the power of uncertainty, ambiguity and paradox
Recognize somatic responses to change and coax your body to flow through them with ease
The Communication Factor
Understand the relevance of "The Communication Factor" in leadership, especially in leading large-scale change initiatives
Strategically build the essential competencies of clarity, credibility, authenticity, consistency, and interactivity into your leadership communication while modeling these for your working community
Choose your tone, spoken and body language to foster connection, inclusion, open minds and harmonious interaction
Use the language of the brain to build relatedness
Set your organizational stage with natural resonance and presence
Use deep relational listening, authentic inquiry and dialogue to engage collaborators and support insight into innovative possibilities
Navigate "Projection Loops" to break through limiting perceptions and challenged conversations
Listen for the quality of listening within your working community
Learn the keys to transformational conversations
Befriend Your Body and Brain
Engage the latest brain science for leading transformational change
Create synaptic synergy in leadership conversations
Integrate Body, Mind and Heart into your leadership style
Generate inner ease and balance through physical, emotional, social and spiritual intelligence
Choose happiness and positivity over habitual negative default patterns
Overcome mindset fixity to confidently walk the path of lifelong, infinite growth and awareness
Experience the quantum effect of purposefully aligning your intent with your attitude and mindset
Become "reality" savvy and develop perspective agility
Listen for resonance in The Corporate Body